Retired Communications

Communication specific for each den

Den Meeting, Monday 12/9/19

Happy Sunday, AOL Fam!  We have a guest speaker at our den meeting on Monday.  This a requirement for Building a Better World Adventure.  Please dress in Field (Class A) uniform.  I will also have information about a Troop 359 campout next weekend.  Sorry for the late notice.  Keep working on those requirements!  Yours in Scouting,

Parade Info and meeting update for December

TIGERS – Are you ready for the Whitehouse Christmas Parade?  We are going to be aboard the “CUB SCOUT EXPRESS” so look for the train!! Tomorrow, Saturday, Dec. 7th –  The PARADE STARTS AT 5:15, BE THERE EARLY AT 4:15 to help decorate or you’ll get caught in traffic!! Holiday in the Park is set to begin at noon & lasts until 4:00 pm. IF you and your Tiger want to help with our booth at the City Park, the sign up is below.    Pack 359 hosts an archery activity (not real arrows!) that the kids enjoy.  Set up starts at 11 and clean up begins at 4pm. PARADE INFO – MEET AT 4:15 up the hill to Whitehouse ISD bus area (former Admin building…


Howdy Wolf Family! I hope you had a great holiday week. Tonight we will meet to finish up Call of the Wild and work on Council Fire and Howling at the Moon. Please bring scissors.

Happy December – Meeting notes for Monday, December 2nd.

I’m looking forward to seeing everyone this Monday! (Dec.2nd) We will be working on the Tiger Duty to God Advancement – the last REQUIRED advancement! We are looking for ways each Scout can share acts of kindness individually and as a Den. I will be signing off on two more advancements, so be sure to bring your Tiger book! As a Service Project, I’d like to make plans to create a basket of treats to share with either the local fire or police stations in Whitehouse, maybe with a bunch of scouts singing Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer?? More details to come if everyone thinks this would be a good service event for our Scouts – this is going to be an ongoing service program…

Den Meeting, Monday, 12/2/19

Howdy, AOL Family! Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving break! Now, time to finish up this AOL. We will start working on the Building a Better World Adventure tomorrow. Please read over the requirements. We will have a guest speaker at the Den Meeting on 12/9/19, so please make plans to attend as this is part of the requirements. Please continue to work on Duty to God in Action at home. This is also a required adventure for AOL advancement. Parents, we will start discussing Crossover plans soon. We have been invited to several different Troop Campouts coming up……more information to come. This will be an opportunity for your Scout to find that perfect Troop. Also, please be aware that once crossing over to Scouts…

Happy Thanksgiving!!

I just wanted to share how THANKFUL I am to get to work with each of your wonderful Scouts every week. Cooper, Brodey, Viana, Harrison, Ayden, Matthew, Preston, Evie, Ben, Breck, Joel, and Bo are awesome kiddos and I treasure my time with them – keeps me young (and on my toes, LOL!) Life is too hectic these days, BUT Scouting gives you a chance to spend one-on-one time with your scout each week, something they will remember and treasure for the rest of their lives. You may not think so, but they will!! I also want to thank each family for their involvement in Scouting. I know your lives are packed already, but our program will try hard to include Scouting into and around…

TIGERS ARE Meeting!! Bring your Nature Hike items to share Monday – Nov.25th!!

Tigers ARE meeting – Our Scouts need to share their items collected on their Nature Hike – this could be at Family Camp OR for those of you who didn’t get to go to Family Camp, a hike outdoors in your neighborhood. Everyone was asked to bring back 12 cool items you found on your hike – all kinds of cool leaves, pine cones, rocks – whatever grabbed your scout’s attention – could even “hike” tomorrow if needed! Everyone will share something they found with the rest of the Den. We also are getting to learn about birds in our area AND we will talk about helping out at your home to earn $3.00 to pay for the materials to build your very own birdhouse!…