Retired Communications

Communication specific for each den

Webelos Fall Campout

Howdy Den 7, Saturday, October 19th will be our first den level campout at Brookshire’s Recreation Park ( in Flint arrival will be between 2 and 3 so each lunch before heading out. Please RSVP with the following link as to if your scout can attend and if you will be attending with him/her ( This is a campout for Webelos and AOL scouts ONLY as per BSA rules no younger siblings can attend, parents are welcome. Below you will find a list of things to bring. If you are lacking equipment please let us know, the pack has some extras. Watch the weather and pack accordingly. What to Bring -tent -sleeping bag -sleeping pad/cot -toiletries -bug spray -6 essentials: sunscreen and hat, first aid…

Monday 10/14 Den Meeting

Howdy Awesome Wolf den! Monday we will start off inside and each scout will tell the group about their nutritious dinner they helped plan. We will review bobcat one more time. Then if it isn’t raining we are going outside to play a family game of kick-ball (parents and siblings welcome). I am working on a backup plan for rain. Also, ALL parents need to have completed their YPT at Wear your activity shirts and tennis shoes. Don’t forget to order the new activity. Yours In Scouting! Kathy


Happy Monday! I have reserved a area for the Weblos and AOL at Brookshiers Recreation Park on Lake Palestine for the night of the 19th of October. That is the same day as the Rose parade. We are still doing the parade. I will go over details tonight. We are starting the “Cast Iron Chef” tonight. The scouts need to bring fire starting equipment (flint and steel, tender, what ever they think will start a fire with out using liquid fuel). Have a great Monday and see y’all tonight. Ryan

Tigers will meet in our regular room Monday, October 7th

1.Keep working on the Scout Oath and Scout Law – Tigers have to know what these mean and be able to say them (with a little coaching) to earn their BOBCAT rank at this month’s Pack Meeting on Monday, 10/21. Try to have your Blue Cub Scout shirt by the first Pack meeting if possible! 2. Tyler Rose Parade is October 19th. We are the openers for this parade and carry the opening banner along with the Armed Services flags. The boys look forward to this event each year so mark your calendars. Lions and Tigers will ride on a trailer and all the other dens will walk and/or carry flags. 3. Popcorn Take home orders are due at the Pack Meeting on October 21st….

Monday 10/7

Howdy Wolf Family, Monday we start the Running with the Pack requirement on page 92 of your Wolf book. We will meet at the church outside by the gaga pit. Please bring a ball that you can play catch with and a bottle of water. Since we will be outside wear your activity shirt. If you don’t have one yet then a t-shirt is fine. No flip flops. Please wear tennis shoes. There will be a parent meeting during our den time to discuss popcorn sales and help everyone get setup. See you tomorrow! Kathy

TIGERS will meet outside at the pavillion to start tomorrow evening!!

Hello to all DEN 4 Tiger Parents!! Tomorrow night is “Games Tigers Play” night for Den 4. As always, we want your scout with us, even if you forget your game or snack, so don’t panic. WE missed some of YOU last week – hope to see everyone tomorrow so we can finish our DEN FLAG! If you can, please come prepared: 1. Scouts should be practicing the Scout Oath and Scout Law to earn their Bobcat by the October Pack Meeting. 2. Scouts should arrive at our meeting ready to SHARE about a game they invented/played with your family. IF the game is portable, bring it so your scout can share how to play with others. 3. Scouts should BRING enough of a healthy…

Monday Meeting 9/30

Howdy Wolves, I hear our den flags are looking good and you all learned about the 6 essentials to scouting. This week we will be putting our buddy system and 6 essentials to use. We will be doing our 1 mile hike. Bring your 6 essentials and meet at 6:30 at Blackhawk Creek Hike and Bike Trail—Whitehouse. If your scout needs a ride to the trail because you have multiple kids in scouts meet at the church at 6:15. I will need one other adult to ride with me. REPLY to this email with either meet at trail or need ride. Also if you want to just follow me to the trailhead I leave the church at 6:20! Your scout must bring their 6 essentials…

Monday Meeting

Howdy wonderful den. Tonight we will be reviewing bobcat, starting our first requirement belt loop and making our den flag!! Woohoo. I am traveling today but wonderful Steve Swindell (Eagle scout and Mark’s dad) will be leading the charge. Yours In Scouting, Kathy

TIGERS will be creating their DEN FLAG tonight – prepare for painting!

Hello to all the Terrific Tigers for Den 4!!! Tonight we will be creating our Den 4 flag that will mark our place at Pack Meetings, campouts, and all Pack activities. The scouts will be putting their handprints on our flag – and hopefully NOT on themselves or others. Since we are working with paint, scouts do NOT need to wear their Class A Uniforms – if they really want to come “dressed up” then maybe have a T-shirt on underneath so we can make sure NOT to mess up the blue scout shirts!! Not all Scouts may be on this message stream – if you get this, and have a couple of extra T-shirts laying around, you might bring them to help out those…