Retired Communications

Communication specific for each den

Den Meeting 10/1

Hello Den 3! I am looking forward to our first official den meeting. We are going to work on our bobcat! It is the very first rank our boys will earn. Please bring your scout book. If you have elmer’s glue and scissors to share that would be great. See you tonight. Kathy

Webelos Meeting Tomorrow!

Howdy, we will be meeting in the fellowship hall Monday evening at 6:30 pm. Uniform is Field (Class A). We will be starting the Cast Iron Chef required adventure tomorrow. Please look at the requirements for tomorrow’s meeting. We will divide into pairs or more. The groups will decide on meal/menu to be prepared over fire at Fall Family Camp. Each group must also set a budget for their meal as we will be going to Brookshires (at a later meeting) as a Den to purchase your needed ingredients for the meal. At the October 8 meeting, we will learn how to start a fire properly so we can hopefully enjoy our meals at Family Camp. That is all for now. Thanks for all you…

LION DEN MEETING MONDAY, OCT.1 6:30 AT Whitehouse Methodist Church

HOWDY LION DEN CUBS AND PARENTS!! My name is Gigi Delk – Jason Beaton is my son, and Lion Cub Ayden Beaton is my grandson. I am SO excited to get the chance to enjoy Cub Scouts again!!! I have four sons and two stepsons, and they all went through Cub Scouts, with five of the six continuing on to be Eagle Scouts. I’m Woodbadge trained (SR-281) and have been a Den Leader, Committee Chair, Merit Badge Counselor, District Committee member and have served on numerous Eagle Boards of Review, so I’ve been there and done that, so to speak! Cub Scouting is where it all begins, and where you will get a chance to enjoy learning and exploring together with your scout. We are…

Webelos Camp – Sunday

For those who registered for Webelos camp. Camp is fast approaching. Please arrive at Pirtle ready for check-in Sunday at 1:15 – 1:30 (eat lunch before arriving). Our group can NOT check-in until all boys and leaders are there. • COMPLETED medical forms (A, B, C whih (which requires a doctor’s signature)) • Cub Scout uniform (for flag retreat and dinner each day) • Hat • Second pair of closed toed shoes with socks (required at all times) • 4 pairs of socks • 4 pairs of underwear • 4 t-shirts • 4 pairs of shorts • Reusable water bottle • Sleeping gear (tent, sleeping bag, sheets, pillow, etc) • Toiletries (soap, shampoo, toothpaste, comb, DEODERAND) • 2 towels • swim suite • rain gear…

Webelo Summer Camp (Pirtle)

This Thursday there will be a meeting at Whitehouse Park at 6:30 pm for the Webelo Summer Campout. All boys who have signed up and their parents must be present to receive instructions about equipment, registration, health forms. This meeting should last about thirty minutes. I Look forward to discussing some of the cool activites they have planned for us at Camp Pirtle. Den5 Leader Bob Prince.

Monday Night Den event: classic sports cars & ice cream

Hello Den 5! We will meet Monday night at 6 PM at 520 Sherry Lane in Tyler. This is the private residence of Billy Hibbs who has one of the largest private collections of classic sport and race cars in Texas. He has graciously invited us to tour his collection. Get ready to see some of the coolest cars around in one of the coolest garages you will ever see. In addition, Mr Hibbs has a real race car simulator that he will let the boys use (with supervision). Park in the motorcourt in front of the house. The garage door will be open so they can enter there. On the right as you face the house. We will break the boys into two groups….

Brookhill campout 5/11 (this Friday)

Reminder our den is camping out in front of the traveling Vietnam Wall Friday May 11 at Brookhill school to look over the Vietnam Wall. • Tent setup 5-6 • YES there is a bathroom • Pizza is being brought (if you haven’t RSVP please text Kathy 903.235.4402) • A fire pit is being brought • Bring a tent for your family • Tents put away before 8!!! on Saturday • Class A Uniformed needed Saturday morning to help with flag ceremony Yours in scouting, Kathy

Webelos Camp – Money

I will be at the church at 6:30 to collect money of those who signed up but haven’t paid for Webelos camp. Please text me directly if you can’t make it 903.235.4402. FYI – We need a headcount for family camp May 18-May 20. Please email with a yes/no and if yes number. Thanks, Kathy

Tyler Mini Maker Faire

Reminder this Saturday is Our boys can earn a final elective if they go and there is a patch being offered at the event for scouts (you will have to ask how to get this patch when you go). I hope to see you there. Yours in scouting, Kathy