Retired Communications

Communication specific for each den

Important: Den 4 Flag delivery THIS week & Livin’ the BEAR life!!!

Howdy to all the Big, Bad, BEAR Scouts!!! We have all survived the first week of school and need to begin thinking about our fall schedule of events – AFTER we get Flags out for this weekend. FLAGS – Each Den has a set “ZONE” – ours is Zone 3, which has 4 flag routes in it. This will let Parents & Scouts learn their route and get flags out and back in without a major game of “Hide & Seek.”  Everyone can see the routes, addresses, etc. by going to  If you load this on your cell phone, you can click on a pinned house and see the address!!!  I’m hoping those who I know have “flag-transporting” vehicles can handle these routes for…

Flag time

Howdy! I’m feeling much better and ready to tackle flags! Yes it is that time. The boy scouts (Jason) will be at the church Friday starting at 5:00 through Saturday until 8 PM. You can pick-up flags then OR Monday I will open the church. Please let me know if you can’t do flags. Assignments are below. B1 – Mark B2 – Ben B3 – Kenzie Routes can be found:

Independence Day Flag Pick-ups

Howdy Folks! We still have 4 routes in our Den Zone that need Picked -up Route A1 – McElroy – 11 flags Route A2 – Peninsula – 11 flags Route A3 – North Whitehouse – 8 Flags – Jacen Jones Route A4 – Baseball Park – 8 flags Route C4 – Lake Route – 7 flags Let me know which route your Scout can help with. Thanks! Jason

Den 2 Flag Pickups!

Hello Den 2! I hope everyone is enjoying their summer! For those going to the Fort Worth Zoo this weekend, HAVE FUN! I will be driving a truck full of Scouts to Colorado for the Troop 359 Summer Camp 🙂 This is flag pickup week! We need flags to be picked up by Monday and we need ALL hands on deck! Our den is responsible for 45 Customers in North Whitehouse and around the Lake. This goes quickly if we have extra hands! If you do not have a vehicle for picking up flags (10 Foot long Poles) please come help someone who does. Flags pay for all the fun things we do so participation is key!! When you have collected your flags you can…

Last Call For Webelos Camp

Good Morning Arrows and Webelos! (Yes we are now Arrow of Light Scouts and Webelos) Webelos Camp is upon us! We arrive at Camp Pirtle on Sunday, June 27th, and will return on Thursday, July 1st. This camp is intended to be an introduction to long-term camping such as Scouts BSA Summer Camp like the Troops do. The cost is $175, however, the Pack is paying $100 for each scout, so only $75 for your scout. If attending, Every Scout needs the Part C Health Form Completed. I have attached both the Health Forms and the Itinerary for the week for your review. Please let me know as soon as possible if your scout is planning to attend (903) 530-9378. Jason

Pack Lock-In Registration is waiting for you!

HEYYYY DEN 4 – GREAT JOB on putting out the flags for Memorial day.  I heard that you guys did such a good job that people in the neighborhoods watching you were so impressed they placed orders for flags for their homes as well!!!!  I also saw lots of great photos of Field Days, year-end parties, and baseball tournaments and I know you scouts are ready for a great Memorial Day weekend.  I do want to send a heartfelt THANK YOU to all your family members who proudly served or are currently serving in our Armed Forces for the freedom we enjoy because of those who serve to protect that freedom. Speaking about Memorial Day – Mr. Tracy and I are leaving today headed to…

Den 4 FLAG Service Project – Flags need to be out by Wednesday in preparation for Memorial Day

Hi Den 4! Some of you might have already seen the Flag Instructions for this week – the rain has really created issues in delivering the flags for Memorial Day, so ALL Dens are helping out by covering assigned routes. We have 33 flags to put out for Den 4, distributed into about 5 areas around the Canyon Springs, Cumberland Estates, Windridge Estates, Cambridge Village, and Oscar-Burkett neighborhoods.  I have attached our Den 4 spreadsheet “list” and a map that shows how the flags are distributed. The flags need to be delivered by at least one scout in uniform + adult helper.  If you and your Scout want to participate, please TEXT me at 903-574-3787 and let me know what area you could take, and…

As we discussed last week, NO MEETING tonight – be working on your Chore Chart and “PAWS of SKILL”

Hello Wild Wolves – I’m going to have to get used to calling you BEARS soon!! As we discussed last week, we are NOT MEETING tonight.  There are too many events, rain-outs, testing, and end-of-year general craziness going on this week! Everyone should be working on your chore chart (Except Gregory, I’m going to deliver yours today) to complete the Germs Alive elective.  We had a lot of fun and hopefully the Scouts learned a little bit…  ALSO – hoping everyone is done with theit PAWS OF SKILL Elective – I’m including the requirements again just in case you need to refresh on what your Scout should be working on.  With so many sports-oriented activities and “Field Days” it should be pretty easy to get…